I thoroughly enjoyed this video so I thought I’d talk about the things I liked about it and the things I disagree with, at least on the surface. See in some ways I thought he would introduce the scooby-doo gang and they would reveal him beneath the INFJ mask. Because he is clerkly integrating his sacred feminine with his sacred masculine in an exciting way. He talks with great inspiration about Christ and personal growth In some ways he reminds me of Jordan Peterson and comes from a masculine perspective, He really is that brilliant. His conversation about Christ and the different personality types as fragments of the soul of Christ is spot on and I love the direction he is going in.
As such it is not proper to talk about a personality prison, but that there are things I disagree with. I’m less keen on Jungian Quadrants and I found the personality type nuances confusing and difficult to understand. The application in helping people deal with the shadow side of the personal is great and admirable of course I don’t have any kind of alternative to that . To the model though I might make adjustments not in application and psychological knowledge but in theory.
Please bear with me in my poorly thought out model that borders on top ramen. (we have top ramen working on that, TOP ramen).I mean please don’t make fun of me, its just an informal note.
Let’s look at Ken Wheelers’s map of creation 5d style from Plato.
See I get the pentagram as a pythagorean expression of UTIGA, or hygiene, but clearly there has to be an imperfection, or rather a creative aspect to it. perhaps it may be called the creative feminine for the purpose of conversation even if I’m not accurate.
Now let’s understand the outer circle as a tauroidal field (magnetic and the dominant field as hyperbolic: or tauroid and inverse of hyperboloid and field relating to the field of matter.So their is a spinning in opposite directions in the hyperboloid which is, if you can go with respect to masculine (South) and feminine (North): —flip diagram upside down): an increase in inertia and decrease in acceleration, and a decrease in inertia and increase in acceleration.
Now thats four. Let’s add a horizontal quadrant for the field modality of the (Double to 8) material plain of existence and a dominant vertical field modality (plus a more pure 4) in the ether. !2 because why count an extra 4 in the vectors of the hyperboloid horizontal spiral
Another interesting aspect is the vertical differentiation of masculine and feminine regardless of the material body-this must be related to thee balancing nature of discharge as it grounds into material plain and is thus more of the body and not related to North South vectors which has a separate inter-dependent convergence. Thus twhile the Magnetic is inverse of the dominant dielectric, the plain of material horizontal is separate from the vertical.Well that’s enough for now. I’ve been meaning to research this and need to devote some time to doing so. Nose idea Then there would not be a map for the interdependent souls as they bring awareness into the cave and the entrance as the pathway if divergence and convergence are understood.
Another note regarding Aristotle and Plato: I think Aristotle was trying to make a point, a language for communicating in the cave after coming from outside the cave. I feel like this was hi-jacked by atomist/materialists who are obsessed with particles. While it is essential perhaps to have a quantum language of quarks to navigate 4 d levels at a higher vibrational frequency in the ether, perhaps they are not points but field modalities. As such there are good quantum physicists but also people obsessed with particles—there is more to it than that as there are attempts to subvert the North vector to chaos rather than creation as exemplified by the supposed discovery of the god -particle which is actually sensors responding to a discharge. And then too while I respect Tesla’s understanding of electricity because it’s accurate and Platonic, he was pretty dark side=that’s proven.
Fascinating subject Nathan!
Not just that, I understand, and am accepting.
The other possibility, is be cause of shadow paranoia, is well who knows, my physical death.
An6way, the great thing about the Bartlet golden pears is I think there a fantasicic dynamic between introverts and extroverts.
So its true.